Repetitive Miscarriage Clinic (RPL)

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Repetitive Miscarriage, or Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

RPL is a disease distinct from infertility defined by two or more failed pregnancies. A thorough evaluation is warranted.

RPL is a very common condition, as noted in the graph below. Only 25% of all fertilized eggs will end up on live births with the remaining 75% pregnancy losses.


Risk of Losing a Pregnancy

In the graph, it can be seen that the risk of miscarriage increases with the number of previous losses and also increases with the maternal age at the time of pregnancy. Repetitive miscarriage increases with age.

Causes of RPL

By far, the majority of the causes for recurrent miscarriages involve embryonic genetic abnormalities in about 50-65% of cases. Other reasons include structural defects of the uterus, congenital malformations, hormonal malfunctions, genital tract infections, immune mediated conditions, smoking, alcohol, etc. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, at PROCREATE, we provide a comprehensive and multifactorial approach for treatment that will lead to the best possible pregnancy outcome.

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